Wednesday, March 3, 2010

...this morning I discovered that God is a verb.

This morning it occurred to me that God is an action, a verb. This morning the sentence, "God is the effort of connecting compassionately to others," came to me as my first thought. God is when we actively work to be connected to other people - to other family members, to neighbors, to coworkers, to people in an earthquake in Haiti or Chile. When we try to walk in the shoes of others, when we listen with compassion and are truly present when interacting with others, when we think about the consequences our actions have on others, we participate in the creation of and the experience of God.

Of course, I also believe in Martin Buber's assertion that, when we try to articulate God, we lose the essence of God. I think this is because God is a verb that is more of an action than a noun to be described within the vocabulary of our limited experience of the world around us. This makes me think of the "Allegory of the Cave" too. It also makes me think of the whirling Sufis and an experience of God through motion. We are kinesthetic beings meant to also experience the world through action and not just through our eyes.

The rabbit sounds like she is rearranging our kitchen, time to tend to the pets.

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