Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Breast Stroke

Why is it that I can't get my legs in sync with my arms and adding my head is an additional complication? Swimming lessons as an adult who loves swimming are harder and I think it's mostly due to muscle memory. When you have no idea how to do something, it's so much easier to learn to do it correctly. How frustrating to be able to visualize how to do something, but your body says, "No this is how we've always done it!"

Monday I became absolutely convinced of the truth of muscle memory. When I tried to share my login for a database with someone and couldn't do it. I tried 4 times to login on his computer with my login and couldn't get it to work. When I went and sat down in my chair and at my own computer, I typed it in correctly first try. If I tried to slow down and pay attention to what I was typing, I couldn't do it! I couldn't generate my login. When I just started typing without thinking, I got the damn thing right each time.

Muscle memory. Amazing.

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